Black Rocks and other interesting island places

Black Rocks

An unusual and unique place to view.

On the North East coast you will find the spectacular Black Rocks (sometimes called “black sea”).
These are rocks formed from lava flowing into the Atlantic from an eruption of the Mt Liamuiga volcano.
There is a report of an eruption in 1692 but it is believed that these rocks are millenniums older than that.

The action of winds and ocean waves have created incredible rock formations with unusual shapes.
There are natural pools that you can climb down into just enjoy the sound and spray from the ocean crashing against the rocks.

Recently improved facilities

Black Rocks has new “Chattel-house” style booths for the souvenir sellers, there is a bar and a viewing area.
The visitor facilities at Black Rocks have recently been completely upgraded.

St Thomas Anglican Church

The oldest Anglican Church in the Caribbean.

St Thomas is the oldest Anglican church in the Caribbean.
Built in 1625, shortly after the arrival of British sea captain and colony founder Thomas Warner, it was the very first Anglican church in the Eastern Caribbean.
The first building would have been built of wood and large enough to hold just a few of the new English settlers. (Enslaved Africans were not welcomed into the church until later in the 18th Century).
The current stone building dates to 1860.
St Johns Anglican Church is located at Middle Island, on the main road just North of Romney Manor.

Take a look in the Cemetery

Sir Thomas Warner is buried here beside his friend Samuel Jefferson, the great-great-great-grandfather of US President Thomas Jefferson.

The St Kitts Flag

History of The St Kitts and Nevis flag.

The flag of St Kitts and Nevis was first hoisted on Independence Day, September 19th 1983.
Designed by Mrs Edrice Lewis-Viechweg, a local teacher, the St Kitts flag shows a green triangle for the fertility of the islands and a red triangle for the years of struggle against slavery and colonialism.
The black stripe running diagonally through the center reflects the African heritage of the people. The narrow yellow borders flanking the stripe refer to the brilliant sunshine on the islands. The two white stars, one for each island, are symbols of hope and liberty.

St Kitts Historical society

Historic St Kitts Logo (copyright acknowledged)

Historic St Kitts website

The website Historic St. Kitts is a project of the National Archives, St Kitts.
The website is a virtual treasure trove of the history and culture of St Kitts.
In particular have a look at the section on St Kitts places.

Full list of our History of St Kitts articles

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